théorie des cordes 3/5.flv
la plus mysterieuse théorie en astrophysique" -
Effekte #werble " -
Comment un photon voit l'univers
Un photon met des milliards d'années pour traverser notre univers. Mais selon les principes de la relativité restreinte, cette traversée est instantanée ... -
Engel des Erwachens - Angel of Awakening
Engel des Erwachens, bitte berühre mich, damit mein Licht zum Leben erweckt wird ... Angel of Awakening, please touch me that my light can come to life ... -
125 - Photons In this video Paul Andersen explains how light travels in photons which can be described as both particles and waves. Einstein showed ... -
Engel für Transformation - Angel for transformation
Engel für Transformation, bitte transformiere alle meine negativen und alten Energien ins Licht, bitte hilf mir aus den alten Mustern auszusteigen... ... -
ABC Zoom - Electrons and photons: absorption and transmission of light
Electrons around atoms can absorb and emit photons of particular colours of light -- see three different atomic models explain what's going on. Key ... -
Photons, light & electromagnetic waves
innovation: for the first time ever in the world describe the photon's compensation , showing the Ultimate nano- components of photon and illustrates ... -
Physics - Modern Physics (4 of 26) Momentum of a Photon
Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will show you how to find the momentum of a photon. And find out ... -
NRG: Photon Commercial
Every hour, enough sunlight hits the Earth to power it for a year. All you have to do is let it in."