VIDEO 1 - It Comes to You (1&2), A Merabh of Receiving + The point of Presence & More (COMPLETE)
VIDEO 2 - On effortlessness, feeling naked & Human dreams ...
In this three-part message, Adamus talks about the next "Transhuman" Series, why we've been mediating between the soul and the human, the "Directive of ...
Adamus Saint-Germain.
Nueva Serie: "Sigue Adelante: La Vida sin Poder"
Shaud 1.
Canalizado por Geoffrey y Linda Hoppe
Septiembre 5, 2015
Copyright: ...
Part 2 (View part 1 here
Abundance is a challenging issue for many people on the spiritual path. There are strong overlays ...
During the July 2013 meeting of the Crimson Circle, Adamus talks about his most important topic - embodied enlightenment - and how to trust your own journey ...
During the November 2013 meeting of the Crimson Circle, Adamus reminds us of the knowingness that is already within.
To watch, hear or read the complete ...
2016. május 7-e kulcsfontosságú volt a Shaumbra számára. Adamus Saint-Germain - Geoffrey Hoppe csatornázásában - a következő kérdést tette fel: - Mi a ...
Mi a szeretet? Adamus Saint-Germain egy egészen új módon válaszolja meg ezt az ősrégi kérdést. Engedd meg magadnak, hogy (újra)felfedezd, hogy miről is ...
During the May 3, 2014 meeting of the Crimson Circle, Adamus guides an experience of remembering the precious time of contemplation before you came to ...
Adamus (channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe) talks about the level of consciousness on Earth and how it is limited by humanity's concept of God, in this message ...
At the October (Halloween) Crimson Circle meeting, lots of people are dressed in costume, including Linda as a witch and Geoffrey/Adamus as Dracula. Adamus ...
During the February 2013 meeting of the Crimson Circle, Adamus (channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe) talks about the limitations of traditional psychology, introduces ...
After celebrating the grand opening of the Masters Club, Adamus (channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe) goes on to announce that there are now five Shaumbra who ...
Are you mediating between your human self and Master self? Between family members? Are you mediating mass consciousness? Adamus invites you to let all ...
Audio NO OFICIAL por Yo Soy Hernan
Traducción Yezid Varón
Para escuchar el audio oficial doblado al español por Virgilia ...
Parte 1 (para ver la Parte 2, haz clic aquí
La abundancia es una cuestión desafiante para muchos de los ...
According to Adamus, Kaiko (also spelled Kaiho) is a word that means deep inner passion. During the Crimson Circle monthly Shoud, given July 5, 2014, Adamus ...
What is beyond the human senses? It's the Master Sense!
Enjoy this merabh from Adamus Saint-Germain, given to the Crimson Circle on January 2, 2016. ...
Experience Adamus’ most in-depth exploration of allowing as he invites you to release old ties, consider questions like “what creates reality?” and sink ...
I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the (wrong) questions of life. They seek ...
As far as the still unconscious majority of the population is concerned, only a critical limit-situation has the potential to crack the ...