迪玛希双语演绎原创《难忘的一天》 -《歌手2017》第10期 单曲The Singer【我是歌手官方频道】
【欢迎订阅我是歌手YouTube官方频道】Subscribe I AM A SINGER: https://goo.gl/ZDZX3c 本场竞演:迪玛希《难忘的一天》 ▶ 《歌手2017》单曲播放列表:https://goo.gl/2sZT4s ▶ 湖南卫视《歌手2017》超清列表:https ... -
Dimash Kudaibergenov SOS of an Earthly Being in Distress ENG SUB
Dimash won Talent show in January 2017 in China. This is an amazing song and Dimash just made the ever most beautiful interpretation of this song. He ... -
•Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/n.abdiraim/ •6 тур! Димаш получил 1 место в конкурсе "I am a singer"! 6th episode! Dimash Kudaibergenov - Adagio. ...
4 тур Dimash Kudaibergen Димаш Құдайберген 4-кезең 3-орын 11-02-2017 Qiū yì nóng
Dimash Kudaibergen Димаш Құдайберген 秋意浓 Qiū yì nóng 4- ЭТАП" -
Dimash Kudaibergen - Confessa+The Diva Dance
Subscribe will come soon! SUBSCRIBE for more Videos about Dimash with English / French / Spanish / Japanese/ Chinese subtitles! For more information, ... -
The best voice in the world. Dimash Kudaibergenov - Opera 2 (2017)
The best voice in the world. Dimash Kudaibergenov - Opera 2 (2017)" -
Dimash [MV] Don'tMakeMeDream + Lyrics
English translation by PRINCE DIMASH Lyricist: Jarasqan Äbdiräş Composer: Qaldıbek Qurmanäli" -
迪玛希《Opera 2》-《歌手2017》第2期 单曲纯享版The Singer【我是歌手官方频道】
【欢迎订阅我是歌手YouTube官方频道】Subscribe I AM A SINGER: https://goo.gl/ZDZX3c 本场竞演:迪玛希《Opera 2》 ▶ 《歌手2017》单曲播放列表:https://goo.gl/2sZT4s ▶ 湖南卫视《歌手2017》超清列表:htt ... -
迪玛希《All by Myself》 高音花腔炫技零压力-《歌手2017》第9期 单曲The Singer【我是歌手官方频道】
【欢迎订阅我是歌手YouTube官方频道】Subscribe I AM A SINGER: https://goo.gl/ZDZX3c 本场竞演:迪玛希《All By Myself》 ▶ 《歌手2017》单曲播放列表:https://goo.gl/2sZT4s ▶ 湖南卫视《歌手2017》超清 ... -
Dimash Kudaibergenov The Singer Episode 12 Confessa and The Diva Dance Reaction Video
We have finally reached the 12th episode featuring Dimash! Thank you AEngels for your patience. This was an incredible performance and I can't wait to ... -
Dimash Whistle register is back!! Tugan Gher, My Homeland 迪玛希哨音 Reaction Video
Dimash shows back up in Kazakhstan and turns it up on it's head! This was a fantastic performance and we can't wait to see what is next from him. If ... -
New music video of Dimash Kudaibergen /
New music video of Dimash Kudaibergen. "Autumn strong" "Осенняя печаль". Новый клип Димаша!" -
【Subs】Dimash Kudaibergen - Eternal Memories(English/Spanish/Japanese/Portuguese/French)
SUBSCRIBE for more Videos about Dimash with English / French / Spanish / Japanese/ Chinese subtitles! For more information, please follow us at Twitter ... -
迪玛希《give me love》 献给dears的一首情歌 -《歌手2017》第14期 单曲The Singer【我是歌手官方频道】
【欢迎订阅我是歌手YouTube官方频道】Subscribe I AM A SINGER: https://goo.gl/ZDZX3c 本场竞演:迪玛希《Give me love》▶ 《歌手2017》单曲播放列表:https://goo.gl/2sZT4s ▶ 湖南卫视《歌手2017》超清列表: ... -
Needs your votes! Dimash nominated for 2 awards @MTV Taiwan Chinese Music Grand Ceremony 快投票给迪玛希!
Dimash has nominated for 2 awards. Most Popular Amateur Award & Most Popular Overseas Award" -
Dimash - Wuhan to Almaty; Almaty to Astana 29 May 2017 迪玛希- 武汉_乌鲁木齐_阿斯塔纳
Dimash is flying back to Astana where he layover in Almaty for 4hrs. He will fly back to China 10 days later to attend Zhejiang broadcast OPPO Mid Year ... -
Dimash is performing live music in Shanghai Gostar Car Culture on 21 May 2017."
Dimash & dears sing along.. Xiangyang Times Avenue night 28 May. Dears 被靠近的迪玛希迷倒了. 襄阳时代天街
video cr: warm1017, pinkwang, 一只陈, 不加糖蚊纸末儿 image cr: internet" -
Dimash Kudaibergenov - Opera 2 REACTION
Dem Levants YouNow: https://www.younow.com/DemLevants J.Levant YouNow: LiveRaise: https://www.liveraise.com/channel/8985?ref=270795 Want us to ... -
Dimash Kudaibergen-All By Myself (Live) *Reaction/Review*
Once again Dimash! I proclaim him to be the 11th wonder of the world haha! Enjoy (like I did) My reaction to his performance of "All By Myself"" -
迪玛希尚雯婕致敬偶像迈克尔 改编《A Tribute to MJ》尖叫值破格 -《歌手2017》第13期 单曲The Singer【我是歌手官方频道】
【欢迎订阅我是歌手YouTube官方频道】Subscribe I AM A SINGER: https://goo.gl/ZDZX3c 本场竞演:迪马希 尚雯婕《A tribute to MJ》 ▶ 《歌手2017》单曲播放列表:https://goo.gl/2sZT4s ▶ 湖南卫视《歌手2 ... -
Dimash Kudaibergen Димаш Құдайберген 迪玛希 惊喜之夜生日会全程 FOLLOW M A哥视角
小米直播 640*360 这个视频太折腾了。现在这个是利用UTB自身的转换功能实现了时间码基本正确的视频。可能有声画不同步,大家将就下看吧。 请大家多多支持尖叫现场官方上传的迪玛希生日会视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EquM48ruB_o&inde ... -
DIMASH KUDAYBERGEN ft ZARINA ALTYNBAYEVA Question of honour Universiade 2017 HD Reaction Video
Dimash is amazing and still tends to shock me with every performance. I love to hear his voice and the range he sings with is incredible. This time we ... -
DIMASH KUDAYBERGEN ft ZARINA ALTYNBAYEVA - Question of honour (Universiade 2017) HD
Original song: Question of Honour by Sarah Brightman written by Frank Peterson. Directed by: Nazgul Karabalina Music remixed and produced by: Syrym ... -
Димаш Кудайбергенов и Зарина Алтынбаева. Открытие Универсиады-2017 в Алматы. Без Коментарии
Димаш Кудайбергенов и Зарина Алтынбаева Opening Ceremony of 28th Winter Universiade 大学生冬季运动会开幕式 #Димаш Құдайбергенов #Dimash #迪玛希Pop Explo DIMASH K ... -
Димаш Кудайбергенов и Зарина Алтынбаева. Открытие Универсиады-2017 в Алматы
Димаш Кудайбергенов и Зарина Алтынбаева Opening Ceremony of 28th Winter Universiade 大学生冬季运动会开幕式 #Димаш Құдайбергенов #Dimash #迪玛希Pop Explo" -
Лучший голос планеты // The Strongest Voice Ever
Выступление начинается на 02:43. Performance starts on 02:43. Wait for a chorus, it will amaze you! Dimash Kudaibergenov is a Kazakh gifted singer who ... -
Most handsome footballer - Dimash
Dimash's favourite footballer is Messi. He got that football that has Messi's signature on it cr: 迪玛希dimash后援会" -
*First line in Chinese Original singer: Adriano Celentano Lyricist: Mogol Composer: Gianni Bella fanmusicvideo"
Dimash Kudaibergenov Adagio Ep 6 Single 【Hunan TV Official 1080P】 Reaction Video
This man is insanely talented! His cover of this song closely rivals his cover of Opera 2. If you have anymore suggestions then please leave them in ... -
【Eng/CN Subs】Dimash - Kinalama (with the widest vocal range A2 - G#7)
Kinalama means "Don't blame me". There are two versions of Kinalama in this video. Hope u enjoy! Translation by DIS & Dr. Fawzia" -
Dimash Kudaibergen Димаш Құдайберген 迪玛希 A哥视角的襄阳时代天街开幕礼
小米直播 720*426 视频从4分钟开始就没有声音了。应该是A哥开了静音键吧。不过没有关系,不妨碍我们看见幕后的工作情况。6分09秒奶迪wink大放送。臭小子,学会了新的撩妹方法了。撩不到你算我输。 转载注明出处" -
Dimash Kudaibergen Димаш Құдайберген 迪玛希 20170211元宵喜乐会后台群访
花椒直播 黄文海 360*640 完整的元宵喜乐会群访视频 转载请注明出处" -
Dimash Kudaibergen Димаш Құдайберген 迪玛希20170524 惊喜之夜生日会全程
爱奇艺 896*504 无logo 爱奇艺你一定是在逗我玩,直播流720.回放流成了504。后期如果有1080流出来,会更换片源。 昨晚被小迪的生日会感动到不行啊。他的中文信真的戳中我的泪点。看到了他渴望与中国dears交流的那份心啊。" -
Our Prince Charming Dimash - Beijing to Kazakhstan, 25 April 2:50am (Beijing time). Mercy Journey
Cr: photograhy by 放疯fever" -